Tuesday, 20 October 2015

South Africa Facts By Last Moyo

Here are some about south Africa. Last Moyo have presented them. Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern Africa. The country is a multiparty democracy currently governed by a Government of National Unity (GNU) following disputed elections in 2008. The power-sharing government has led to some economic stability but some political uncertainty lingers on and this has resulted in little real growth.
The power-sharing government also resulted in the end of hyperinflation through the suspension of the use of the Zimbabwe dollar as official currency. Currently the United States Dollar, South Africa Rand, Botswana Pula and the Pound Sterling are all used.
According to the UN Human Development Index (HDI), Zimbabwe scored 0.140 in 2010, up from 0.118 in 2009. The country is ranked last in the HDI rankings. Zimbabwe’s current HDI is lower than it was in 1980 (0.241). Major contributors to Zimbabwe’s low HDI include low life expectancy and low Gross National Income per capita.
On Education, Zimbabwe remains one of the few countries in Africa with an adult literacy rate above 90%. The country also has a reasonable percentage of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) spent on education in comparison to neighboring countries.
Zimbabwe’s telecoms sector experienced exponential growth since 2009. From a less than 13% tele-density in 2008, the country’s 2011 tele-density stands at 47%
Zimbabwe Country profile of human development indicatorshttp://hdrstats.undp.org/en/countries/profiles/ZWE.html

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