Sunday, 24 May 2015


To address the communication gap in rural areas such as Jozini requires that a communication strategy be adopted that considers the social, economic and cultural material conditions in the area. Some of the things that must be done to ensure better communication include (but not limited to):
• Investment in mass education to increase literacy rates;
• Support for communication channels such as the community radio stations that play a vital role in getting information to the communities where transport and other communication channels are limited;
• Increased enthusiasm in public participation through the IDP;
• Ensuring that needs articulated in one IDP are addressed so as to reduce apathy in the fIDP process;
• Improving the level and quality of information gather by field workers in their reports and monthly returns, as well as responding to the issues raised;
• Successful community radio stations such as the MCR need the support of government as they are already at the heart of the governance and development communication system in Jozini and beyond;
• Increasing NGO, government and private sector participation in the communication process

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