Monday, 1 June 2015

Biowatch: A Mini Case Study

Biowatch is a small South African NGO that campaigns in the public interest for sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, bio-safety and farmers’ rights. It has successfully challenged the South African government’s speedy adoption of GM technology as leading to health and environmental risk, as well as diminishing food security and food sovereignty. In 2000, Biowatch was able to successfully challenge the government through a constitutional court case.
Jozini farmers associated with Biowatch clearly articulate their preference for local seed over imported GM seed. This comes through in the various workshops and extension services provided by NGO development/field workers in the communities. One of the unintended results of this type of engagement is that it seems to divide communities between those who place their faith in what NGOs suggest and others who adhere to government policy. In addition to its advocacy work, Biowatch runs a traditional seed bank in Jozini area, where communities bring and circulate traditional seed so they can remain independent of the seed companies that sell seed varieties that are not always appropriate for the region.
Where rural communities have been unable to articulate their concerns against GM seeds and the undermining of their food sovereignty, Biowatch has used its wealth of research and advocacy tools to successfully challenge pro-GMO policies as they relate to agriculture in the area and to support small scale farmers who choose to do the same.

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